Did I Just Find a Safe?

Sometimes in daily life we fall into that same old routine… hit the snooze a few times, roll out of bed and fire up the Keuirg. When the Eggo pops up, you find yourself in a fog that rivals that Kiss concert back in ’86. At some point, you find yourself driving down the same back roads you’ve been navigating for years. As you flip through the FM presets, a familiar voice catches your attention. As you pause for a moment, Jimmy Koplik runs through the summer concert schedule. Just as he gets to the Dave Matthews dates in Hartford, you realize your already navigating the entrance of the interstate. 

I’ve always found it ironic how you take for granted that routine drive, to the point where you actually don’t remember seeing anything at all. Once again you’ve been preoccupied while getting to your target location, only to begin your actual main morning commute.

Our dive plan today surrounded one of our sites frequently visited.  I’ve geared up the dive kayak and launched many times from this location, paddling out to various target sites.  Today for some reason, we made an onsite decision to dive the launch path that we’ve paddled over many times.  It wasn’t very deep, approximately 20ft+.  The water temp was very comfortable and our dive lasted a little over an hour.  About thirty minutes into the dive i recovered this beautiful Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.  It is the New York version with the safes hinges on the right.  Ive aquired a few different version of this bottle, but this was my first recovered under water.

Goes to show you, sometimes it pays to keep your eyes open while taking the path frequently traveled…. you never know, you just might find your first safe!


2 Comments on “Did I Just Find a Safe?

  1. Nice bottle Ed, I found one myself, I haven’t cleaned it up yet, and it’s not as old as yours, but I think they’re really cool.

  2. Thanks Mike. I never realized how many variations there are of this bottle, check city and location of hinges on the safe door. Saw you found some nice bottles over the last few weeks yourself. -Ed

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