Move your GLASS!

I have been dating the most amazing woman Samantha, whom I met while studying abroad in Italy, since April 2012. Since then, we have lived together in big and small apartments, endured different job changes, bought a beautiful home together, purchased cars together, and got engaged! I love her to death and I would do anything for her.

Sam and I

Anything. So when she finally had enough of all the bottles around the house, on every window sill, on the fireplace mantle and on every shelf, it was time to Move My Glass! No more bottles around the house! There were too many!!!

I started to sell some at a local Flea market, and had them organized on shoe organizers.

flea market

But I wasn’t selling to the right audience and back home they came…

overall bottles

I was able to create a space in the basement, now called the ‘Man Cave’ where I store my finds that haven’t yet sold. They are starting to overflow!



So I started to be very active on eBay and I sold a lot of bottles through eBay itself.



Then I started creating a network of friends in the bottle collecting community! Many collectors are after a certain style, a certain color, or something as simple as a bottle from their home town! “Do you have bottles from ‘this town’ or ‘that town'”, or “Do you have any blob top sodas”, or “Find me some ‘art deco’ bottles!” The requests started coming in, and the bottles started going out!



I have made friends at the post office as I was in there about 3 times a week sending packages all across the globe!


I have since pulled back on Feebay, and will start selling directly through the website!
Help me move my GLASS out of the house!

1 Comment on “Move your GLASS!

  1. Majority of my collection has come from diving in New Jersey and finding a nice bottle while down 30 feet and in the dark is something hard to explain. To find something 100+ years old that has been sitting there that long is half the fun. Great video thanks!!

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