Three is a crowd! GII-64 Flask and two HL JW BROWN Hartford Sodas

August 21, 2015.

These three bottles really made my dive season.  They were all found the same day, on the same dive.  I have been really picky these past few months with finds that I bring home.  I am running out of room on the shelves in the man cave, and my fiance is running out of patience with my ‘trash’ collection.  After these finds, she no longer sees them as trash! 😉

As any other dive, I was waiting for Doug and Ed to arrive at the dive site while I ate my bagel and drank my coffee.  I don’t really give them a hard time about being late because they have a fairly decent drive.  Regardless, I had my Yak and gear all at the waters edge waiting to go already.

After helping them carry the tanks, yaks, and gear, they finally got ready and were good to dive!

Visibility was actually not half bad for a late Summer/early fall dive.

Water was 79 degrees, and a thin 3 mil wetsuit was all that I needed to keep warm for the 83 minute dive.

After the dive, I surfaced to find both Ed and Doug already back at shore.  They were marveling over their finds, and I was excited to show them what I had uncovered.

Liberty flask

Hartford Soda

For some reason I cannot locate the other dirty HL JW BROWN bottle, I think I may have already started cleaning it!   So after a good, non abrasive scrubbing, they came out pretty good!


hl jw brown hartford soda


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